Coleridge nature and function of poetry and difference between prose and poetry
Introduction Samuel Taylor Coleridge was a poet, philosopher, and literary critic whose writing have been enormously influential in the development of modern thought. He is greater than great and a genius of his poetic work as we can look in his poems and by that feeling of nature, romance preciousness we feel. Coleridge was also known to many English readers as a talented prose writer, especially as the author of the Biographia Literaria. Difference between Prose and Poetry Coleridge poses numerous questions regarding the nature and function of poetry and then answers them. He also examines the way in which poetry differs from other kinds of artistic activity, and the role and significance of metre as an essential and significant part of the poem. He begins by emphasising the difference between prose and poetry. " A poem contains the same elements as a prose composition ". Both use words. Then, the difference between poem and...