Kothari Commission Report on English

              Earlier Kothari Commission was known as Indian Education Commission(1964-1966) which was set up by the Government of India on 14th July 1964 under the chairmanship of Daulat Singh Kothari ,then chairman of the University Grant Commission (UGC) .It was the sixth commission in India Post Independence and the first commission with comprehensive terms of reference on education.The commission had submitted its report on 29th June 1966 with 17 recommendations. Its recommendation were accommodated in India's first National Policy on Education in 1968. 
                Among the 17 recommendations ,according to Kothari Commission Report the 3rd recommendation i.e; Development of Languages has 5 subdivisions from which B and E i.e; Three Language Formula and International Languages are mentioned with the guidelines of English in education.
                 In (B), the Three Language Formula was earlier designed by CABE(Central Advisory Board of Education) in 1961.Three Language Formula is a third language which is apart from Hindi and English. The Three Language Formula by CABE is modified by Kothari Commission. In (E), International language is mentioned. Special attention should be given to the study of English and other international language. World knowledge is growing at a tremendous pace, especially in science and technology. India must not only keep up this growth but also make her own significant contribution to it . For this purpose , study of English deserves to be specially strengthened.


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