Approach, Method and Technique

Approach, method and technique are three synonyms words often used interchangeably. However, this synonymous words can be interpreted to portray different meanings.
  Approach - An approach can be seen as our perspective, ideology, believe or theoretical stance on something. It encompasses a set of logical assumptions that could be made for better comprehension of issues. It could also be seen as a term that births your systematic plans and the strategies that we'll use to achieve particular objectoves. It describes how people acquired their knowledge of the language and makes statements about the conditions which will promote successful language learning. It is much wider concept than a method and technique. It describes how a language is used and how its constituent parts interlock.
  Method - Method is considered the practical realization of an approach. It is a target plan or set of orderly procedures that are based on a credible approach. It reveals what needs to be done in a systematic way and how to focus on achieving those goals. When a method has fixed procedures, informed by a clearly articulated approach, it is easy to describe.
  Technique - A technique is a precise strategy, concrete trick or a tested and trusted tip that's designed to help us reach our goals. It could be inform of an exercise or just any activity that you have to do to complete our mission. These techniques must be for coherent with the method, and therefore, they must be in harmony with the approach.


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