Difference between testing and assessment

Assessment and testing are often used interchangeably. When developing instruction, it's important to know what the difference is between assessment and testing.
Assessment is the systematic process of documenting and using empirical data on the knowledge, skills, attitudes and benefits. By taking assessment, teachers try to improve student learning.
Almost everybody has experienced testing during his or her own life. Grammar test, driving licence test etc. A test is used to examine someone's knowledge of something to determine what that person knows or has learnt. It measures the level of skill or knowledge that has been reached.
Test and assessment are used interchangeably, but they do mean something different. A test is a "product" that measures a particular behaviour or set of objectives. Meanwhile assessment is seen as a procedure in state of a product. Assessment is used during and after the instruction has taken place. After we've received the results of our assessment, we can interpret the results and in case needed after the instruction. Tests are done after the instruction has taken place, it's a way to complete the instruction and get the results. The results of tests don't have to be interpreted, unlike assessment.


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