Arnold's Culture and Anarchy

Culture and Anarchy, major work of criticism by Matthew Arnold, published in 1869. In it Arnold contrasts culture, which he defines as "the study of perfection", with anarchy, the prevalent moods of England's then new democracy, which lacks standards and a sense of direction.
According to him, culture is the expansion of all the powers of human nature. He holds the culture above machinery. Culture is the best has been thought, known and said. For Androld sweetness and light are the two noblest things. For further definition of culture, Arnold borrows a phrase from Swift "Sweetness and light", the first word indicating the sense of beauty and second the active intelligence. Against these ideals arrayed all the undisciplined forces of the age, faith in machinery whether governmental, economic or religious that leads to anarchy. Arnold classified English society into Barbarians (with their lofty spirit, serenity and distinguished manners and their inaccessibility to ideas), the Philistines (the stronghold of religious nonconformity, with plenty of energy and morality but insufficient "sweetness and light"), and the Populace (still raw and blind).
Arnold saw in the idea of "the State",and not in any one class of society, the true organ and repository of the nation's collective "best self". Arnold believes in 'social passion' i.e; best self of society and scientific passion i.e; best self of individual or persuit for excellence. No summary can do justice to Culture and Anarchy, however; it is written with invard poise, a serene detachment, and an infusion of subtle humour that make it a masterpiece of ridicule as well as a searching analysis of Victorian society. The same is true of its unduly neglected sequel, " Friendships Garland".


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