Factors affecting second language

Some students learn a new language more quickly and easily than others. This simple fact is known by all who have themselves learned a second language or taught those who are using their second language in school. Clearly, some language learners are successful by virtue of their sheer determination and hard work and persistence. However there are other crucial factors influencing success that are largely beyond the control of the learner.
Some of the important factors are-
1. Age- Second language acquisition is influenced by the age of the learner. Older learner have solid literary skill so they are in the best position to acquire new language efficiently.
2. Personality- Introverted learners makes slow progress while the extrovert learners take risk and spend more time for practice.
3. Motivation- Extrinsic motivation is also significant factor. For ex. In big Universities like American Universities students who communicate with new English boy or girl are likely to make greater efforts thus greater progress.
4. Influence of native language- Students who are learning a second language which is from the same language family as their first language have, in general, a much easier task than those who aren't.
5. Aptitude- Aptitude is a specific talent for language different from general intelligence. Outstanding language learners are those who do not have a very high IQ but do have very high 'marks' on the memory part of language aptitude.
6. Attitude- The longer the time studying, and the higher the success the more positive the attitude that results.
7. Risk- Good language learners are always willing to guess, to appear foolish in order to communicate, and to use what knowledge they do have of the in order to create novel utterances. 


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