Globalisation and English

" Over the past 100 years its globalisation -accelerated by new technology - that has had the greatest impact on the English language. English is a world language now, the dominant language of science, computing and academic in general."
                                        -Dr. Maria Leedham
English language is a language before Globalisation; English is a language after Globalisation. Globalisation and English language are said to work as pull factors for one another. English language plays a major role in the progress of globalisation. Globalisation of trade and commerce, increasing diversities of work force with different set of values have increased the importance of English language usage.
 Globalisation has brought English language into limelight. The language has become a silver bowl to earn one's bread and butter. It is not only a means of international commerce, it has become increasingly essential for inter-state commerce and communication.
 People stayed in the area they grew up in, but we've seen tremendous changes since then in international travel and in the growth of the internet. English has a very large vocabulary and absorbs many words from other languages. That process will carry on through globalisation.
 Finally, English and globalisation are inseparable, living one on another in the present day world like body and soul of a human being.
" English rules" is an old phrase, "English language rules" is new phrase emerge out of Globalisation.


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