Dream sequence of The Blessed Damozel


The Blessed Damozel in D.G.Rossetti's single most important literary work. It constitutes D.G. Rossetti's most important interpretation of his Dante and inheritance. As a "double work of art" it is unusual in D.G. Rossetti's corpus because the poems preceded the pictorial treatments.
 The poem operates at the three levels, or from three points of vintage: the demozel's (from heaven), the lover's (from his conscious reflection). The last of these is signalled in the text by parentheses, which enclose the lover's thoughts on the vision of his desire.
The pictures of course have their own integral meanings, but they should also be seen as "readings" of their precursive texts.
 The Blessed Damozel must have been for his lover a dreamgirl. He was destined to love and loose. The Blessed Damozel evidently a maiden who had attained heaven after these dreams for ten years that his lover may also come to heaven and when he comes she will take him to Lady Mary and declare their love and get her approval then they will be taken by Mary to God. There she will ask Lord Christ to reunite them as lovers in heaven forever. This 'The Blessed Damozel' by Dante Gabriel Rossetti is a ballad that is dedicated to the love between a woman trapped in heaven and a man struck on earth.

  "The blessed Damozel lean'd out
     From the gold bar of Heaven. "

The poem begins with the speaker describing a woman leaning over a gold bar of heaven which you should think of like a balcony railing and is dreaming that his lover will come to heaven some day.
In further stanza, the lover dreamt of damsel that her hair is falling over him but then he seems to snap out of this fantasy. Its just leaves falling from trees in autumn bummer.
Surrounded by the happy, reunited souls of lovers the young girl see time itself trippy. She looks into the space below her ("gulf") to follow its path as if for her time would be moving from past into the future and she could get different outlook on things. On the earth the lover dreams to hear your voice in a bird's song.

  "Ah sweet! Even now, in the birds song, 
    Strove not her accents there. "

He thinks that she is trying to speak to him through the bird as he described her voice (accents) as being pleased (fain) to be heard in the bird's song. Not only the birds but also the bells of the nearby church seems to come to him as she might walking down a staircase from on high to reach his side. This guy is as hung up on the Damozel as she is on him, apparently.
In the heaven the Damsel fantasizes about the time when her fella at long last will come upto her in heaven. It is going to be quite he will be decked out in white and sporting halo and he will take her hand as they move into the light of God.

  "I'll take his hand and go with him
    To the deep wells of light."

The damosel continuous fantasy with her lover in heaven. The two of them, she imagines will remain hidden away together and withheld from view of other. They will not stumbled upon by any passerby. These two are going to be off in their own little world.

  "We two will lie i' the shadow of
     Occult, withheld, untrod."

She dreams that the couple will be hidden away from the world in the shadow of a place or a building called "Occult" but they will remain hidden because the lamps of that hiding place will stay lit. By this she thinks of it like a private hotel room whose curtains are drawn and the occupants are hidden but inside the light is bright and they are enjoying being together.

  "We two will lie i' the shadow of
     That living mystic tree."

The Damsel continuous to fantasize that she and her lover will be lying under a "living mystic tree" of whose every leaf declares  the name of God. In short, this reunited couple fantasy that they are enjoying a picnic under a tree that represents the greatness of God. She thinks that lying under this tree of life, she is teaching her beloved the same song that she sings up in the heaven. Each time her fella pauses in his singing, he will encounter some new knowledge. Just as when we pause we are just waiting for our brain to catch up to our mouth.
On the other hand, lover on the earth thinks that the only thing which made his soul a candidate for heaven was his love for Damsel. He is worried that on his own he won't make to heaven.

  "We two," she said, "will seek the groves
    Where the lady Mary is."

In the dream the Damsel seems to answer her fretting fellow here, suggesting that they will go together to visit "the lady Mary", the mother of Jesus. She dreams that her lover will be fearful and will remain dumb probably due to that fear. But the Damsel will put her cheek to his and let Mary know all about the love. When she tells Mary this, the young woman won't be shy. She just knows that Mary will be okay with her doing this and will let her speak. In her dreams, that Damsel continuous to fantasize that Mary will take the lovers by the hands and lead them to God. When she and her lover approach Jesus, the damsel plans to ask him directly to let the pair of them live in heaven as they did on Earth:  "With Love". The damsel suddenly stops her fantasizing here. She just stares and listens. She also speak in a mild voice, saying that her wishes will come true when her lover finally gets to heaven. After she says this, light - which is really flying angels - moves towards her.
Again in the last stanza, the lover says that the angels who approached the damsel with their light are moving away from her, when she see this, she leans down on the balcony bars, puts her face in her hand, and cries. The lover confirmed this detail by reminding us with his parenthetical comment that he heard her tears.
So, yeah, this is not exactly a happy ending for our blessed damozel. We're left just hoping that she and her lover can be together in heaven together - some day.
Thus " The Blessed Damozel " is one of the fascinating poems written by D. G. Rossetti. Through the dreams in this poem, Rossetti combines the vastness with the nearness. In contrast to the death and distance of the picture comes the thought of nearness and closeness of the lie of human love, that passes through the busy spaces and hold the faithful heart close together even through orestands in the tranquil and serene fortress of heaven and the others spins, a fevered and mortal atom in the poor fretful world.


Through "The Blessed Damozel" Rossetti presents the ideas that the earthly love can also survive in heaven. This beautiful poem is a supreme instance of the charming of the ancient form with the most passionate dreams of today. The dream sequence embellished and beautify the poem in a beautiful manner, making it more attractive. 


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