Advantages and limitations of computers in language teaching

Computer have been part of our live, especially in the area of education. In all educational system, the computers has certain place; therefore; it plays a significant role in the learning process. Teaching English for a second language learner can take benefit from using a computer. Indeed a computer is a tool and medium that facilitates people in learning a language, although the effectiveness of learning depends totally on the users.
Many educators indicate that the current computer technology has many advantages for second language learning. Classical language teaching in classroom can be monotonous, boring and even frustrating and student loose interest and motivation. CALL programmers can provide student different ways to learn English through computer games, animated graphics and problem solving techniques which can make drill more interesting. It allows learner to have non sequential learning habit. It provide an exciting "fast" and "slow" drill for the students having different style of learning. The time flexibility of using computer enables students to choose appropriate timing for learning.
 Although there are many advantages of computer, the application of current computer technology still has its limitations. Lack of trained teacher is the first limitation, therefore, computers will only benefit those who are familiar with the computer technology. The learning situation that a second language learner faces are various and ever changing . . Computer cannot deal with unexpected learning problems of the learners.
Computer has certain advantages and disadvantages and teachers should know the strengths and weakness in applying CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) in ESL classrooms. Therefore we must first realise the advantages and limitations of current CALL programs before applying them to improve our teaching or to help student learning.


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