Use of multimedia in teaching English

Use of multimedia in teaching English language is one of the best recent and technological approaches in language learning, especially to inculcate and strengthen the opportunities to achieve objectives of language pedagogy. In the present times, many academicians and professionals get to know the significance of using various technological devices in the procedure of language teaching and learning equally. The new approaches have made language learning more productive, effective and communicative. So therefore, in the study, definitions of some important terms that related to innovation such as multimedia, ICT are given. Further, some exploration of the possibilities to use multimedia applications for effective learning of English is to be attempted. Moreover this study will interpret the learners' attitudes towards the use of multimedia technologies for learning English.
Multimedia is the exciting combination of computer hardware and software that allows us to integrate video, animation, audio, graphics and test resources to develop effective presentations on an affordable desktop computer. Multimedia is to set up a harmonious and effective teaching atmosphere in the English class to make students take part in the practice.
We can make best use of the advantages of multimedia teaching and can bypass its disadvantages. Of course, it can replace all other teaching methods and we can apply several methods together in one class. Only under the background of quality education can we use advanced educational theory and we can fulfill the target of college English teaching by utilising modern education technology reasonably.


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