
A broadly defined multinational cultural movement (or series of movements) that took hold in the late 19th century and reached its most radical peak on the eve of World War I. It grew out of the philosophical, scientific, political and ideological shifts that followed the Industrial Revolution, up to World War I and its aftermath. For artists and writers, the modernist project was a revaluation of the assumptions and aesthetic values of their predecessors. It evolve from the Romantic rejection of Enlightenment positivism and faith in reason. Modernist writers broke with Romantic pieties and cliches and became self consciously sceptical of language and its claims of coherence.
 In the early 20th century novelist such as Henry James and Virginia Woolf experimented with shifts in time and narrative points of view. While living in Paris before the war, Gertrude Stein explored the possibilities of creating literary works that broke with conventional syntactical and referential practices. Ezra Pound vowed to "make it new" and "break the pentameter", while T. S. Eliot wrote The Waste Land in the shadow of World War I. Shortly after The Waste Land was published in 1922, it became the archetypical modernist text, rife with allusions, linguistic fragments, and mixed registers and languages. Other poets most often associated with modernism include H. H., W. H.Hudson, Hart Crane, William Butler Yeats, and Wallace Stevens. Modernism also generated many smaller moments such as Acmeism,Dada, Free verse, Futurism,Imagism, Objectivism, Postmodernism, and Surrealism.


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