Development of writing skill through teaching


Writing is a complex skill which most students actually need in order to successfully go through college. Because everything is based on writing during academic years, a student who possesses good writing skills will automatically do better at everything. Exams essays, assignments, and so on. As a teacher, our role is to help each and every student improve themselves, acquire new skills, and become a better individual by the end of their time spent in college. Even though one cannot improve their skills without working hard and having a desire to make progress, a teacher can definitely involved and make huge differences concerning this method.

           Techniques for developing writing skill     

Here are some of the important techniques of how to motivate and develop writing skill of the students.

1. Encourage good writing and penalize poor writing.
If we want performance, we must ask for it. Some teachers expect good results, but they never do anything in order to motivate their students. Stress the fact that good, thoughtful, and clear writing will be greatly rewarded. Let our students know that bonus points will be available for those who make greater efforts to express themselves better on paper. To make it better, teacher can also recommend good quality resources such as essay writing guides or guides to grammar and writing.

2. View the improvement of students writing as teachers responsibility.
Teaching writing is not only the job of the English department alone. Writing is an essential tool for learning a discipline and helping students to improve their writing skills is a responsibility for all faculty.

3. Regularly assign brief writing exercises in classes.
To vary the pace of a lecture course, ask students to write a few minutes during class. Some mixture of in - class writing, outside writing assignments, and exams with open ended questions will give students the practice they need to improve their skills.

4.Provide instructions throughout the writing process.
The moment teachers provide their students with a specific assignment, take a few moments and explain to them how they should go about it. The teacher should talk about general and specific tips and tricks on how to approach a specific type of essay. For example, teacher can emphasize the importance of creating clear and concise outlines before they start writing. Another thing teacher can do is to give students a starting point. Teachers should show them some techniques that will save their time and energy. By approaching them in this manner, and giving them more than enough in order to complete their assignment, they will just do better. With time, they will significantly  improve their writing skills.

5.Explain the importance of grammar and sentence structure as well as content.
Students shouldn't think that English teachers are the only judges of grammar and style.Teacher should tell their students that they will be looking at both quality of their wring and their content. The more the abstract and difficult the topic, the more concrete the student's language should be. Inflated language and academic jargon camouflage rather than clarify their point.

6. Work on the student's mindset.
Sometimes, stating clear rules and expectation is just not enough. It may not work for every student. That's why teacher should also take a 'lighter path'. Teacher can use non-intrusive motivation techniques that will inspire students instead of scaring them.

7. A lot of practice equals better performance.
Every human skills get better with constant, repetitive practice. Teacher could easily make a small change in their classroom routine, and organize brief writing sessions each and everyday. Ask students t write a relatively small amount of words on a specific subject everyday. It may be painful for them first, but the more they write, the better their writing will get.

8. Provide helpful feedback.
When it comes to improving writing skills- for everybody, not just for students - feedback plays a huge role during the process. As a teacher, They have a great deal of knowledge compared to their fellow students. They see their teacher as a role model, especially if they are the one whose training them.

9. Guide and free composition.
Composition is an art of associating the words and sentences and expressing the thoughts. In these compositions students are made to develop writing skills. Both compositions are important according to the situations.

10. Development of content.
The teacher writes some points on the black/white board and students are supposed to elaborate or develop those points. The teacher provide points i.e. response. So the students get to improve their writing. Behaviorist theory believes in this.

11. Get familiar with various writing styles.
Speaking of different writing styles, get to know the idiosyncrasies that exist between each. How does academic writing differ from fiction? What makes a good creative writing sample? What are the different types of poetry and how do they differ from prose? Becoming familiar with the different styles will lead to become a more nuanced and sophisticated writer as you hone your own voice.


In a nutshell, writing isn't rocket science. It's a basic skill that can be practiced over and over again. I have mentioned some of the techniques above for developing the writing skills through teaching. 



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