Contribution of Aravind Adiga

 Being a person with flawless language and great writing skill, it is no wonder that Aravind Adiga bagged Britain's most prestigious literary award - The Man Booker Award  for his book 'The White Tiger'. From a proven student to a journalist and then to a famous writer, success always accompanied him. He always kept his eyes and his ears opened to the world around and derived inspiration from the facts he come across in daily life. 
His award winning book "The White Tiger" was a critical view on "an India of light and an India of darkness". His latest novel "Last Man in Tower" describes the life and soul of one of India's biggest cities, Mumbai, where he discovers that the city and its people are obsessed with real estate. He derives this fact from the common man who often talks about elusive 'square feet' while journeying on suburban trains. The book gives the different picture of the city which is always described as the "Bollywood City" or "Mafia City".
He wrote literary reviews, a famous one being the one about "Oscar and Lucinda". He has also written the novel "Between the Assassinations".  He has also written short stories such as "The Sultan's Battery", "Smack", "Last Christmas in Bandra", "The Elephant".
In one of his interviews and public statements Aravind displays the passion and zeal of a convert when he talks of the poor. He compare himself to Dickens and says that writers like them are important for social change because they highlight the injustices of society armed with his recent discovery of poverty in India. Aravind almost assumes the poignancy and spiritual depth of a prophet foretelling coming tragedy.


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